

Why Financial Wellness is Critical to Your Business Plan

This world is full of risk. Some risks are worth taking, while others are not. Risk comes in many flavors and variations. Just to name a few that first come to mind…risks can be physical, emotional, relational, professional, or financial. In the financial world, we...

Living a Life of Legacy

According to a study from AARP, 83% of Americans have at least some form or fashion of a plan for death. This is really a surprisingly high number given that somewhere around only 50% of baby boomers even have a simple the way, only 28% of you millennials...

4 Questions About Risk We All Must Answer

This world is full of risk. Some risks are worth taking, while others are not. Risk comes in many flavors and variations. Just to name a few that first come to mind…risks can be physical, emotional, relational, professional, or financial. In the financial world, we...

Out with the Budget; In with Alignment

Shame, guilt and judgment are liars and I suggest we kick them out of here. Would you rather I try to shame you into living off a budget, or would you rather we have a two-way conversation about aligning your personal values, mission and vision? Yeah, me too....

Financial Well-Being – No One is Coming!!

No one is coming. No white knight, no silver bullet, no bail out. This is up to each of us to get right, and our lives and legacies depend upon it. Financial wellness and financial education are two very different things. Financial wellness is based in behavioral...