The business case for financial wellness
The Business Case for Financial Wellness
Bringing Financial Wellness to Organizations, Individuals, and the Professionals who serve them all.
Learning Objectives: Leaders leave equipped to confidently make the business case for introducing financial wellness programs.
Audience: Business Leaders –Employers, Associations, Ministries, HR Professionals, Meeting/Event Planners, Financial Services, and Wellness Professionals.

Financial distress is real, it’s chronic, and business leaders are feeling the direct impact of their people being stressed, distracted and who are underperforming because of it. 70% of US workers report that personal finances are their #1 stress in life. They worry about money more than they do about their physical health. How sad, how unnecessary, how about we do something about it!
People don’t need expensive, self-proclaimed financial gurus speaking down to them while using industry jargon and waxing off philosophical. They need an environment that promotes non-solicitous financial education, healthy behavior change, and emotional wellbeing. That can take the shape of a trusted advocate, a coach, an educator, a safe place to ask questions without being charged a fee or sold a financial product.
Brent Hines empowers organizations and their leadership teams to educate their people about financial matters and a real-world process for delivering it as a wellness offering, which is rooted in behavioral science, psychology, and adult learning theory. Invite Brent Hines to help teach you and your group how to carry the financial wellness torch for the good of your organization and your people!