Financial Wellness from the inside out

Financial Wellness from the Inside Out
Bringing Financial Wellness to Organizations, Individuals, and the Professionals who serve them all.
Learning Objectives: Acquire the tools to make better financial decisions in life. It’s not money that’s the problem; it’s often our relationship with money at the root of the problem. Financial results begin with healthy beliefs and healthy habits. Time to ditch the toxic relationship with money!
Audience: Individuals, families, employees, group, and association members.
Life can be stressful, especially when it comes to finances. Regardless of the age or stage in life…just starting out, struggling to get out of debt, growing investments, or designing a legacy for the next generation…Financial Wellbeing is a meaningful goal.
Being financially well is a source of power, contentment, and peace. It’s also a mindset that allows one to serve others more thoroughly and fully. Yes, financial wellbeing is good for oneself and all of those around them. Their family, their employer, their faith groups, their community, their world.
Financial wellness and financial education are two very different things. The formula for success is more than having the book smarts, facts or figures. Financial wellness is based in behavioral science, psychology, and in the neuroscience of improving the odds of successful results.
Whether you are an individual, an employer, a financial wellness professional or a potential distribution partner…we’re glad you’re here and hope you take full advantage of all we have to share!