the trusted financial wellness professional
The Trusted Financial Wellness Professional
Bringing Financial Wellness to Organizations, Individuals, and the Professionals who serve them all.
Learning Objectives: Financial wellness isn’t just a buzzword; it’s here to stay. It is a critical component of success for organizations and their people. Professionals learn how best to grow their practice and their influence by leveraging their role as a recognized professional in the behavioral science of financial wellness.
Audience: Professionals in all of the financial services industries – Financial Advisors, Benefit Advisors, Retirement Plan Advisors, Consultants, CPAs, Estate Planning Attorneys, Insurance Agents, Mortgage Brokers, Realtors, Professional Coaches, and HR/Wellness Professionals.

If you’ve been in any part of the financial industry for any amount of time, you have no doubt seen firsthand how the Financial Wellness industry is growing fast and furious. Too often, resembling a modern version of the Wild West, everyone seems to be using the term “Financial Wellness”, but no one is consistent in its meaning. And, if we’re being candid, far too many people in the financial world are simply using the term to try and pitch more of their products or services.
As an advocate for the financial industry, financial professionals and especially the clients they serve, Brent is one of the industry’s largest voices in establishing a financial wellness standard. Brent’s mission is to re-educate the marketplace on what is and is not Financial Wellness. Brent and his educational non-profit, Foundation for Financial Wellness is driven to improve millions of people’s lives with a values-driven social purpose. Brent’s stance is clear: when se says Financial Wellness…he means both words.